Build Weekend, Homesickness, Official Launch
+ A few product nudges to help you find things fast
👍 What went well: Building New Things This Build Weekend
For On Deck, we had a “hackathon” called “build weekend’ this weekend. For those unfamiliar, these are short periods of time where a group (or individual) “hack” a project together, resulting in a final output that’s shared during a demo day to judges.
This weekend, for the Build Weekend, I built a simple landing page for Strides (+my teammate built an app demo).

TBH, I thought (& wished) I did more for Build Weekend, but seemed like my teammates wanted to do as little as possible throughout.
So… on the side, I started building “Artcomms” (ugly name right now, open to suggestions), where artists can show a mini portfolio of art samples, collect art commission requests in one place & give clients a link to keep track of your progress as they art away. A great way to support artists & get something cute in return. Some samples of friends of doing this already (support them!): Kayla Teodoro + Cel Recto.
Here’s a sneak peek of what I’ve got so far! Appreciate my dummy data. ✌️

🎨 Looking to onboard some artists soon.
👎 What could be better: Homesick fever starting
I miss home. Last year, was my first time NOT being at home in the Philippines for Christmas. While I was sadly not able to partake in usual holiday traditions, my family was able to travel to San Francisco to be with me.
This year will be my first time ever NOT being with my nuclear family for Christmas +officially 2y without visiting the Philippines. (Thanks COVID, thanks visa shxt!) While it sounds like they’re driving each other crazy cooped up in the house all day (HI FAM!), I’ll happily take that craziness to be with loved ones.
It’s also going to soon officially be 2y since I last visited the Philippines (thanks COVID, thanks visa shxt). Wow, feels like it’s been too long a while.

👉 What’s up next: Official Open to #Hiring Launch!
On 10/29, we’re OFFICIALLY launching Open to #Hiring, with blogs, articles, and all these crazy marketing blasts! I can’t wait! Keep an eye out and think of me. 🤩
👌 Nudges of the Week
Emerging Market Startups - my friend Dianna Yau hosts a podcast on emerging market tech covering Latin America, Africa, and of course, Asia
Joypixels - easily search and add Emojis on your text
Command E - navigate your workspace & ALL your files across Google Docs, Notion, Dropbox, YouNameIt through a simple Cmd + E