Flashmob, few things better & the No Code movement
Happy about checking things off but overwhelmed with too many checkboxes!
Nick and I have been frequenting this coffee/pastry shop called Le Marais Bakery (their chocolate almond croissants = to die for). Last week, I asked our regular server what his name was and we shared ours. Today, he acknowledged us enthusiastically and even asked about an event we told him about the day before.
You know in the movies where people frequent a coffee shop and the servers know to give them their regular “almond milk latte with sugar on the side, shaken not stirred.” I’m getting to the point where I can say “I’ll have my regular.” How exciting.
Onto the reflections for the week…
👍 What went well: Dancing in a flashmob proposal
Checked off 3 items from my bucket list this weekend:
[x] Dancing in a flashmob
[x] Being a part of a surprise proposal
[x] Being a part of a surprise flashmob dance proposal
As part of the Groove Generation all-girls dance troupe, we get to join various dance gigs like this one! We had a socially distant flash-mob at Dolores park on a hot, sunny Saturday afternoon.

That’s me on the left with the pink cap! Here’s a video, if you want to see it in full.
It was cute & magical. Congratulations to the happy couple! ❤️
Other great things (it was a pretty good week!)
Our favorite bagel/breakfast shop Kozy Cafe opened up this month, another regular we love to frequent
Enjoyed watching “Morning Glory” starring Rachel McAdams and Netflix’ “Knock Down the House” documentary featuring AOC
Amazing, energizing conversations with possible co-founders & startup folks who are also passionate about the passion economy!
#TinyBookClub first discussion meeting on our book “Never Split the Difference”
Weekly silliness on the fam zoom call

👎 What could be better: Too. Many. Things.
Last week, I said I was going to “rigorously prioritize” because of a bunch of commitments that were popping up. Here’s a preview of my calendar of events & meetings this past week!

While I’m proud that I was able to check off a bunch of to-do’s, I’m not sure this flux of priorities is sustainable or setting me up for success. I perpetually have a lot of things going on at the same time, and so perpetually have the problem of trying to do few things better. Busy shouldn’t be the goal.
Next week, I’ll have to do better by:
Giving up 1 or 2 commitments
Saying NO to unnecessary/just nice-to-have meetings or events
Delegating a few tasks that I don’t have to necessarily do
Finding more time in the day aka waking up earlier & sleeping later
I’m not a fan of (4); (3) is ideal but a lot of these are not delegate-able; (2) is the surest thing I can do; (1) is going to help out the most but the hardest to make happen but I’ll try.
How do you prioritize?
👉 What’s up next: No Code MVPs
As I explore startup ideas, I’ve been learning more about the “No Code” movement (building apps and startups without writing any code). The past week, I’ve been talking to a couple potential users of my “hobby marketplace” idea (view previous post).
Now, I want to build a scrappy MVP using some of these no-code tools to test out my hypotheses further. This week, my goal is to build a live MVP for people to react to and for me to gain more concrete insights on.
Hopefully I can share a little prototype next week. Keep me accountable.