You may/may not know how much I love puzzles or riddles. Here’s one I like to tell friends, and randomly resurfaced, so thought I’d share broadly. Send me your guesses and I’ll reveal the answer (and results of those who guessed) next week!
You have three crates of fruit. The first is labeled "Apples," the second "Oranges," and the third "Apples and Oranges." All three are mislabeled.By pulling just one fruit out of one crate, how can you correct all three crate labels?
👍 What went well: Maker Manor! 🏄
This was a great week.
I’ve been @ the beautiful Maker Manor with ~13 other ambitious folks. I love it!
Someone’s building their own venture studio at age 20, another’s a master video creator. Two people decided to co-found a company to scale this “maker manor” model and found each other through the Maker Manor. Someone went on an inspiring year-long creative sabbatical and is currently raising a round for her startup. Amazing. Such a strong community of ambitious, entrepreneurial, though-provoking individuals I never would have met otherwise.
Yesterday, after exciting rounds of paintball (!!!), we all had a cute friendsgiving dinner. I was very thankful to have found a community like this, easily get (negatively) tested for COVID-19, afford participating in this program on top of paying rent, and find new meanings of family despite being far away from my nuclear one.
Side note: today’s the 2nd yr. anniversary for Nick and I. What also went really well was his surprise breakfast in bed! ❤️
👎 What could be better: Perpetual Existential Crisis!
Being in a house full of makers has its perks, and drawbacks.
Perks: motivation and inspiration to think big and work hard towards things I’m passionate about and exploring, not just being a cog in a corporate wheel.
Drawback: perpetual existential “wtf am I doing with my life when I juxtapose myself to all these highly ambitious, skilled and confident builders!”
But, instead of framing it as I should already be doing so and so just like so and so at this point in my life, I’m reframing to I have the resources, grit and privilege to make an impact as someone in her 20-somethings, with great experience under her belt and a responsibility to use my opportunities for the better.
Now’s continuing to pursue my exploration and ideas.
👉 What’s up next: Thanksgiving @ LA
After Ojai, we’re driving down to LA to visit some family. Excited for (another) Turkey-filled dinner, and finally seeing my cousin!
This is also Nick’s first time in LA so I’m excited to give him a tour of the city.